Watch What You Eat

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This picture is a combination of two pictures smashed together using the Enlight app i have on my iphone.

The underlying photo is of a tablescape at the 2017 Philadelphia Flower Show. The layout and symmetry of the table are what really attracted me to take the pic in the first place. I used Enlight to filter for B&W and then enhanced with a “white warm” wash.

The overlaid photo is from a selfie taken while in Jamaica in Jan 2017. I extracted the headshot part of the selfie and sized and placed it within the center portion of the picture on the wall, which was part of the tablescape, and then I applied a mixer/merge process to make it look as if the head was in the framed picture from the start. I left the head in color to give some contrast. Creepy right.

This is the culmination of multiple threads of interest; it is not just about the photo:
1. Online publishing of this edited photograph using a simple responsive webpage format
2. Setup of autoposting to my blog from email and then onward autoposting to various social networks

Tools that make this possible are:
• Photography
○ Iphone 6
○ ProCamera
○ Enlight
• Website
○ WordPress
○ Jetpack
○ Postie
○ FB
○ Twitter

I would like to thank my BMT for making this possible

@copyright RPM 2017

Watch What You Eat, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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